Yodel Mobile https://mobilemarketingmagazine.com/author/infoyodelmobile-com/ Mobile Marketing Magazine Wed, 27 Mar 2024 07:57:01 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 https://mobilemarketingmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/blog_img6.png Yodel Mobile https://mobilemarketingmagazine.com/author/infoyodelmobile-com/ 32 32 The Apple Vision Pro Will Change Mobile App Marketing – Here’s How https://mobilemarketingmagazine.com/the-apple-vision-pro-will-change-mobile-app-marketing-heres-how/ https://mobilemarketingmagazine.com/the-apple-vision-pro-will-change-mobile-app-marketing-heres-how/#respond Wed, 27 Mar 2024 07:57:01 +0000 https://mobilemarketingmagazine.com/?p=121179 Jesse Wiafe is a marketing executive and copywriter at Yodel Mobile, a leading mobile app marketing company. Assisting the agency’s growth efforts, Jesse regularly shares insights on the latest app

The post The Apple Vision Pro Will Change Mobile App Marketing – Here’s How appeared first on Mobile Marketing Magazine.

Jesse Wiafe is a marketing executive and copywriter at Yodel Mobile, a leading mobile app marketing company. Assisting the agency’s growth efforts, Jesse regularly shares insights on the latest app marketing strategies, promoting sustainable and long-term growth.

Currently, Apple’s visionOS operating system stands at the forefront of tech innovation, revolutionising the way that we think about app development and user engagement. VisionOS is the operating system of the latest addition to Apple’s product catalogue, the Apple Vision Pro.

The Apple Vision Pro is a wearable headset that removes the limitations of needing a screen to use a computer. This experience has been labelled ‘spatial computing’ where the users’ physical space is augmented with what is referred to as an “infinite spatial canvas”. This means users can now experience a fully three-dimensional user interface where digital content can be physically controlled by their eyes, hands and voice.

The Vision Pro headset officially released in the US on February 2nd, 2024 and is set to launch worldwide. While other countries have no official release date yet, analysts claim that the Apple Vision Pro will be launched internationally before the WWDC in June 2024.  

How will your mobile app marketing be impacted by this new device? Here at Yodel Mobile, we have started to review the new possibilities that the Apple Vision Pro can extend onto the product experience of our clients’ apps. While the new visionOS App Store is in its infancy, we have noticed some clear opportunities and challenges for developers. See below for inside knowledge on ways to tailor your app marketing techniques to the Apple Vision Pro.

The New VisionOS App Store

The Apple Vision Pro features its own dedicated App Store. This means a new algorithm and therefore new ways to optimise for visibility and conversion. The new visionOS App Store launched with over 600 new apps. Since its initial launch in February, this number has now increased to 1000 native apps. This is a clear indication that Apple is pushing the new format for app developers. Developers have the option to opt-in their pre-existing iOS apps for availability on visionOS to streamline this process and currently, Apple boasts over 1.5 million compatible apps available on the headset. 

You will immediately notice the new App Store has a different appearance to the iOS and iPad App Stores. The visual nature of the new spatial computing headset means there is a larger focus on the visual and creative aspects of the App Store to reflect the in-app experience. It is also assumed that there will be a heavy reliance on the visionOS App Store search for app discovery.  

The visionOS app store operates under a different search format than we’ve seen on iOS or iPadOS and will require a more tailored approach to visibility optimisations. It is worth noting that these findings pertain to the visionOS app store on the Apple Vision Pro. Since its launch, the visionOS App Store has become available on web. The browsing experience on web mimics those of other Apple devices on web. See below for ways to optimise your ASO efforts.

Source: (Apple’s developer notes on submitting your app to the visionOS)

Improve Your Discovery on visionOS

In these earlier days, many developers have struggled with lower app visibility. Immersive reality specialist Tom Ffiske has investigated and shared findings on the state of search on the Apple Vision Pro. Developers have commented that they feel that discovery on the Apple Vision Pro App Store is an issue. A noted issue is that featured or top-ranking lists are not obviously served to users – a real limitation of discovery opportunities that you would normally find on iOS. On top of that, there have also been claims that the analytics system is sub-standard on the Apple Vision Pro, with bugs, technical issues and a lack of transparency. Some developers also commented that data for app download attribution seems to be a major blind area on Apple’s part. While the source of app downloads does show, app developers have encountered issues with misattribution. Some of the blame also goes toward the new systems in place for users to search with.

The New Way to Search on the Apple Vision Pro

You might have guessed it- spatial technology means the Apple Vision Pro comes with no physical keyboard. There are new systems and features in place to type and search which should be optimised for native Apple Vision Pro apps: 

  • Air Typing: Users type in the air using a virtual keyboard, many find this difficult as there is no haptic feedback, (no vibration or feeling). 
  • Look and Pinch Method: Users will pinch while looking at each letter on the virtual keyboard. 
  • Voice Dictation: Users can simply dictate what they want to be written, and the system will do its best to produce your words.

That means that ASO practitioners need to consider optimising for a wide range of search methods. We believe that out of all of these features, developers and ASO strategists should optimise their metadata towards voice dictation as the natural approach for search on this new App Store. So far, many users have found voice dictation is the fastest and most convenient search method while using visionOS.

The skew towards voice dictation can heavily impact your keyword optimisation efforts. Metadata may have to be optimised to work better with voice searches and dictation. This means factoring in qualitative factors like slang, different accents or acronyms.  

Bearing this in mind, localisation might play a larger role in key word optimisation for visionOS. Developers may have to pay more attention to different regions, languages and cultural contexts to reach a broader audience, ensuring to make an effort to keep keywords up to date as languages and cultures continue to grow and change.

Just as when optimising for any other store, utilize analytics tools to track the performance of your keywords. Adjust your strategy based on the insights that you gain. Also, pay attention to user feedback and reviews. Often, users mention specific features or terms that can be valuable keywords.

See the image below of voice search being used as an example.

Source: (LinkedIn)

Know Your visionOS Metadata Basics

On the Apple Vision Pro App Store, the product page will have similar metadata elements to the iOS App Store, though it is much more limited in its scope. 

  • App name: Similarly to iOS, the apps name on the Apple Vision Pro only allows for 30 characters. There is a possibility that ASO convention (hierarchical importance) will remain the same.  
  • Subtitle: Like the app name, the subtitle is also the same character length. Typical best practice will likely remain the same (i.e.: using CTA’s, utilising important, high value/volume keywords etc.) 
  • Description: Apple suggests that the ideal description is a concise, informative paragraph followed by a short list of main features. The description text is specific to the product page on Apple Vision Pro. This is the opportunity to highlight features that are unique to the visionOS product experience.

Additionally, because of the nature of this new spatial technology, developers must now include app motion information in the app’s copy. This is a safety measure for users.

Leverage Your Visual App Store Creatives for the Apple Vision Pro Product Page

As mentioned above, the spatial computing concept means there will now be a larger focus on the more visual and creative aspects of the App Store. You’ll even notice that once you’ve downloaded your new set of apps on the device, app icons on your home screen will be round as opposed to the more cubic shape that we see on other Apple devices. 

App developers will now have to either optimise their app icons for this new format or consider creating entirely new ones which fit the new creative requirements of the visionOS App Store. The icons are typically a clear indication of apps that have been optimised natively for the Apple Vision Pro, those which are optimised will carry the new round icon shape when placed onto your home screen. Those which aren’t optimised will still appear square. Outdated icons could present a negative signal for prospective app users. The lack of relevant optimisation for the platform could seem as an indicator of a pending poor app experience. It would be favourable for all developers to follow best practices and creative guidelines for the visionOS App Store to encourage download and usage.

Source: (Vision Pro Developer Blog)

Screenshots and Previews on the Apple Vision Pro

It is not only icons that change in this environment. Screenshots and app preview videos will also be key to conveying your Vision Pro app experience to potential users. These require a new approach for the Apple Vision Pro App Store listing. Apple stresses that screenshots should be directly screen-grabbed or recorded from the Apple Vision Pro. This way, the surroundings, features and experience are conveyed as authentically to the in-app experience as possible. App developers can also create simulations of the Apple Vision Pro experience as long as they accurately represent the app.  

Apple also suggests that if the app experience relies heavily on hands or specific gestures, app owners can include a person’s hands in the screenshots or app previews. We envision that Apple may be stringent in their review process. They may reject any screenshots that include hands or simulations that take creative license or without a clear reason. In this case, the Apple Vision Pro creative assets are much more functional in their purpose than iOS screenshots which have the freedom to be much more heavily branded and promotional. It is also not clear when native store features such as A/B testing will become available. We may be some time away from these types of optimisation efforts on the visionOS store. More can be found here on Apple’s guideline page.

Source: (Hardware Zone)


Of all the significant shifts in mobile app marketing, the Apple Vision Pro will definitely create one of the larger impacts we will see in the current climate. The exact effects of said impact will become more apparent as time goes on. Given it’s current price, ($3499), it’s difficult how soon this new computing style will be adopted by the masses. Do stay plugged in with us for future updates on how best to optimise for the visionOS algorithm on the Apple Vision Pro.  

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Stay ahead of the game: 5 mobile marketing trends to look out for in 2024 https://mobilemarketingmagazine.com/stay-ahead-of-the-game-5-mobile-marketing-trends-to-look-out-for-in-2024/ https://mobilemarketingmagazine.com/stay-ahead-of-the-game-5-mobile-marketing-trends-to-look-out-for-in-2024/#respond Fri, 23 Feb 2024 08:00:42 +0000 https://mobilemarketingmagazine.com/?p=120474 Jay Bugeja is the Content Executive at Yodel Mobile, a leading mobile app marketing company. Assisting the agency’s growth efforts, Jay regularly shares insights on the latest app marketing strategies,

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Jay Bugeja is the Content Executive at Yodel Mobile, a leading mobile app marketing company. Assisting the agency’s growth efforts, Jay regularly shares insights on the latest app marketing strategies, promoting sustainable and long-term growth.

2024 is here, and with it comes many fresh ideas and opportunities for refining your app marketing strategy. Staying up to date with the latest trends and advancements is pivotal to ensuring your marketing strategies don’t fall flat this year.

Reflecting on the past year, Yodel Mobile accurately predicted critical shifts in the app domain, particularly with the advent of Apple’s Link Tracking Protection and Google’s Privacy Sandbox. Now, in 2024, these privacy solutions are set to be officially launched.

To proactively navigate the challenges this year, we have outlined the 5 biggest trends you must look for to find mobile success.

AI will become more common in marketing strategies

In the coming year, we anticipate a heightened presence of AI in the mobile app industry. AI is poised to play a more significant role, particularly in elevating customer relationship management campaigns to augment user experiences. Leveraging user data and behaviours, AI will contribute to crafting highly personalised interactions and tailored content, offering individualised product recommendations and content suggestions. While chatbots are already utilising this technology, we foresee a further refinement in their intelligence throughout the year, thanks to advancements in AI.

The impact of AI is already evident in the app industry, especially when looking at the advancements in AI. Adobe Firefly was introduced in 2023 to help integrate generative AI into creative teams to generate new images for app store listings efficiently. 2024 calls for heightened personalisation to become a critical factor for app success. Therefore, employing AI for enhanced efficiency, saving both time and resources for your team, will prove highly beneficial.

User generated content is going to play a pivotal role in performance campaigns

Incorporating User Generated Content (UGC) into paid acquisition campaign creatives has been a trending topic for several years. It has evolved from being a mere luxury to a vital component for the success of large-scale performance campaigns. While some apps have already begun experimenting with UGC, the upcoming trend is to systematically embrace this approach through influencer management platforms, making it an integral element in scaling performance campaigns in 2024.

The trust that users place in apps and the content they download plays a pivotal role in the success of app marketing efforts. Leveraging User Generated Content provides a layer of social proof and significantly influences potential user perceptions of your app brand. This strategic use of UGC is poised to enhance campaign effectiveness, leading to higher conversion rates and enabling personalised interactions throughout your marketing initiatives.

The shift to privacy will be rapid for the app industry

In 2024, privacy considerations are set to become a critical focal point. The impact of iOS SKAN reverberated through the industry a few years ago, significantly limiting the tracking capabilities of performance campaigns. Since then, many companies have sought ways to navigate these challenges. For instance, in creative testing, it has become customary to conduct most tests on Android and then apply the insights gained to iOS. However, as we move into 2024, it is anticipated that Android will face increased privacy restrictions, with the release of the Android privacy sandbox. Internally, we have been actively developing testing frameworks that align with privacy requirements, ensuring the continued collection of robust insights across both operating systems amid the evolving industry landscape. With the ongoing evolution of SKAN, including numerous new capabilities expected in 2024, and the possibility of a distinct approach from Google entering the scene this year, swift adaptation to the changing landscape is imperative for all.

Yodel Mobile has already conducted a comprehensive review of various privacy changes. The significance of these alterations for apps cannot be overstated. App marketers must proactively adjust to these changes and explore innovative methods to tackle data restrictions.

Enhanced app store features will fuel user acquisition and re-engagement

The latest advancements on Google Play introduce heightened visibility into experiments and expanded capabilities, mirroring those found in Custom Product Pages on iOS. Additionally, we are anticipating widespread availability of Promotional Content (Android’s counterpart to In-app Events) to all developers by 2024, a feature that has significantly boosted acquisition and re-engagement on iOS. These innovations empower App Store Optimization (ASO) to exert a more profound influence on marketing strategies, providing greater control over its role in the user acquisition journey and ultimately elevating acquisition Key Performance Indicators (KPIs).

The forthcoming accessibility of Promotional Content on Android presents an exciting prospect for app developers. Early results are promising, with apps incorporating this feature witnessing a 4% increase in revenue compared to those not utilising it. This development is poised to grant marketers more autonomy and enrich opportunities within the realm of ASO.

Source: Promotional Content on the Play Store

A greater focus on evaluating true ROI 

While there is a growing emphasis on Return on Investment (ROI) as a key performance indicator for app acquisition, companies grappling with legacy technology and those not prioritising mobile platforms face challenges in gaining visibility on this critical metric. We observe an increasing focus on data architecture initiatives aiming to discern the role of each platform and its contribution to overall ROI. This trend is expected to gain more significance throughout the year, particularly in light of privacy changes that complicate tracking this metric.

Given the privacy changes discussed earlier, marketers will need to strategise on how to monitor their app’s performance without violating these new regulations. Consequently, the imperative for success in 2024 will be to invest in innovative technologies that facilitate tracking user actions.


2024 promises to be a dynamic year for the app industry. With shifting consumer behaviours, technological advancements, and evolving privacy policies, agility in strategies remains paramount for app marketers. 

Having recently won the Most Effective Mobile Campaign at the Effective Digital Marketing Awards in 2023, we have a pretty good idea of what will impact the mobile industry in 2024. Reach out to the Yodel Mobile app marketing experts for advice and support to make 2024 a success for your app.

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Privacy Changes in App Marketing for 2024 https://mobilemarketingmagazine.com/privacy-changes-in-app-marketing-for-2024/ Fri, 15 Dec 2023 13:40:47 +0000 https://mobilemarketingmagazine.com/?p=118993 Yodel Mobile Content Executive, Jay Bugeja showcases privacy changes and app updates in the industry being rolled our next year. Privacy and security have been notable talking points for apps

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Yodel Mobile Content Executive, Jay Bugeja showcases privacy changes and app updates in the industry being rolled our next year.

Privacy and security have been notable talking points for apps in 2023. Currently, about 42% of apps collect more data than they need to, and as a result, Apple and Google are pushing privacy policy changes with more stringent rules around data collection. 2024 marks a pivotal moment as tech giants and consumers demand greater transparency and control over the use of personal data. This shift profoundly impacts how apps are marketed, challenging traditional approaches, and necessitating the need to re-evaluate strategies to align with emerging privacy standards.

Earlier this year, Apple unveiled iOS 17, and Google released Android 14. These new updates brought privacy changes that are cracking down on how app marketers track and measure their campaigns. In 2024, these changes will slowly be rolled out, so getting ahead on your privacy compliance will be essential. Now is the time to plan your app’s data collection strategy, and here’s what you need to know about the current and future changes. 

Apple Unveils Link Tracking Protection 

Apple’s new iOS 17 update didn’t just bring a fancy new look and features for your Apple device. It also brought a few changes to heighten its user’s privacy and security. One of these policies is the crack-down on UTM tracking links, which are an essential tool for marketers. 

The release of Link Tracking Protection will strip some tracking parameters from URLs clicked via Private Browser Mode on sources such as Safari or Apple’s native Mail & Messenger apps. At first glance, this may not appear to be a significantly disruptive alteration for app owners, particularly considering that the volume of traffic monitored through these channels might be limited. Nevertheless, it could represent the initial phase of a more extensive privacy transformation in user tracking instigated by Apple, and we do not doubt that further sources will be impacted.

Currently, only a few tracking parameters are being affected, such as the Google and Facebook Click Identifiers, which could be used to support attribution of the buyer journey. We expect that going into 2024, this list will grow, so make sure to be aware of changes that have been announced.

Apple’s New Fingerprinting Requirements

Fingerprinting is a technique used for ad-related tracking. It involves creating a unique identifier for a device based on its software and hardware characteristics, which can then be used to track users across different websites and applications, circumventing explicit tracking consent from the user.

For iOS, apps that require APIs for the functionality of their product will need to declare the intent behind using them. They will need to declare this to the app’s privacy manifest. If you want to know what you need to declare and how, go to our blog here to learn more. 

These APIs include:

  • Active keyword
  • Disk space
  • File timestamp
  • System boot time
  • User defaults

Android’s Privacy Sandbox

Android is trying to phase out third-party cookies entirely with its Android Privacy Sandbox. The Privacy Sandbox aims to develop new technologies that improve user privacy and enable effective, personalised advertising experiences for mobile apps. In Android Privacy Sandbox, the SDK Runtime creates a separate environment for third-party SDKs, preventing them from accessing information like battery level, time zone, and language, which could’ve been used for fingerprinting.

To help app marketers, Android is proposing a set of APIs that will enable the personalisation of ads and measure them privately. The Sandbox will still allow marketers to retarget, which is important to remember as user acquisition becomes more complex through the new restrictions. You can learn more about these APIs here on Android Introduction to the Privacy Sandbox.

What can you do?

Achieving a balance between personalised data services and privacy is essential for the prosperity of any business, with transparency sitting at its the heart. Some effective methods for achieving this balance include:

  1. Strictly study and follow Apple & Google’s privacy policy requirements
  2. Collect only essential data 
  3. Clearly communicate to your customers the intended use of the information you gather

Focusing on gathering only essential information for your business objectives is crucial. Transparency becomes a guiding principle when dealing with customer data—keeping them informed about how their information will be utilised fosters trust and reinforces ethical practices. The significance of data analysis cannot be overstated; it is essential for informed decision-making. By adhering to these principles, businesses ensure data integrity and customer trust to pave the way for sustainable and mutually beneficial relationships.


The iOS 17 and Android 14 changes are forcing out old measuring strategies like fingerprinting in favour of their SKAN and Privacy Sandbox tools, respectively. This, in turn, challenges marketers to learn and innovate ways to deliver personalised and engaging content while respecting user privacy boundaries. Apple’s privacy manifest will be enforced in Q2 of 2024, so make sure your app is ready for the changes now.

Choosing the right app marketing agency partner and MMP is going to be crucial going into 2024 to make sure your app is compliant with these new changes. Luckily, most of these, including here at Yodel Mobile, have already made moves towards tracking and data transparency strategy and solutions.

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Performance vs. Growth – Two sides of the same coin? https://mobilemarketingmagazine.com/performance-vs-growth-two-sides-of-the-same-coin/ Thu, 26 Oct 2023 10:33:39 +0000 Amish Zinzuwadia, Paid UA Lead at Yodel Mobile, looks at the differences between Performance and Growth Marketing, and explains how they complement each other in a successful app marketing strategy. 

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Amish Zinzuwadia, Paid UA Lead at Yodel Mobile, looks at the differences between Performance and Growth Marketing, and explains how they complement each other in a successful app marketing strategy.   

In the dynamic and competitive landscape of mobile apps, success is often measured by intricate performance metrics contrasted against broader, long-term goals of growth and sustainability. In app marketing, performance marketing and growth marketing are usually distinguished as two schools of thought. However, the line between these two disciplines is blurring, and they could soon merge into a unified approach.

Let’s start by revisiting each discipline individually to understand the key differences that make these two strategies work together.

What is Performance Marketing?
Performance Marketing is all about achieving tangible outcomes. It entails pinpointing your Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and fine-tuning your campaigns through testing and adjustments until you reach your objectives. This involves analysing engagement metrics like clicks and clickthrough rate (CTR) to optimise your creative elements and messaging.

Delving deeper into the customer journey, you assess conversions such as Costs Per Install (CPI) and Costs Per Acquisition (CPA). This is typically aided by a Mobile Measurement Partner and data you can pull directly from the advertising platforms. Performance Marketing operates across a variety of channels, including Search, Social and Programmatic Display. However, it’s important to emphasise that it comes at a cost – careful media budget planning is crucial to maximise your marketing investments, a perpetual endeavour to answer the age-old question posed by John Wanamaker over a century ago:

“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.”

What is Growth Marketing?
This is a more holistic approach to your marketing, and not just a numbers game. It takes a broader, more long-term view, and investigates strategies to grow your user base and retain them. Metrics are still important, but not necessarily the same ones as for Performance Marketing. It’s all about quality vs. quantity, looking at deeper metrics such as Lifetime Value (LTV) and Daily or Monthly Active Users (DAU/MAU), because if these are on the rise, then we know the more users we acquire from Performance will stick around longer and drive sustainable business growth, such as revenue or engagement. The channels to run Growth Marketing on are not the usual suspects. They encompass non-direct sources such as content marketing, referrals, CRM & ASO. Money always matters, so there are budget considerations for Growth Marketing, but measuring your ROI is not as simple as CPIs or CAC. Uplifts in engagement, active users, or new product utilisation, over a longer period of time, is what will matter the most.

The cross collaboration of Performance and Growth Marketing
Though there are intrinsic differences between Performance and Growth Marketing, bringing the two together will elevate app acquisition, engagement, and retention strategies for any app brand. This convergence integrates the precision of Performance Marketing’s data-driven approach with the strategic, holistic vision of Growth Marketing. By aligning objectives, leveraging insights, and optimising user experiences, this collaborative effort is the key to success.

Data is oil with Performance Marketing and Growth Marketing
Data is akin to the modern-day oil. This is because data is valuable for any business to help them thrive and grow. Its significance lies in driving effective campaigns, now propelled by Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, to optimise and target the most relevant users – hinging heavily on conversion data. Furthermore, growth in any application is contingent on understanding user data – identifying where engagement drops and devising strategies for enhancement.

Customer behaviour insights, preferences, and trends through performance analysis inform growth strategies. Concurrently, growth initiatives aid in retargeting audiences and enhancing performance metrics.

This is something we have trialled and tested across categories for various brands. For one of our Video on Demand clients, our data analysis identified that they achieved a higher conversion on Sundays. It may sound simple, but this insight dictated how we allocated our budgets throughout the week. So, by allocating a higher budget on Sundays, we achieved maximum results and ramped up ROI. The era calls for us to don our ‘googles’ and embark on a data exploration akin to drilling for oil!

Performing and growing while testing and learning
Performance Marketing may as well be synonymous with testing and learning, and if you’re not doing it, you’re not going to grow. Testing different targeting tactics, creative messaging and channels are all part of the game to help you impact metrics beyond install. Tactics like A/B testing can help you understand what your users prefer, whether it be to help increase conversion rate or improve lifetime value. Growth can incorporate these tactics for their CRM strategies, ATT prompts and pre-screening, user onboarding and all-important elements of the UX. So, being able to then learn from these tests and continually improve is imperative to help your app grow to further heights.

How Performance and Growth Marketing affect the customer journey
I touched on this point above when talking about UX. The journey from ad to app is one thing, but the user does so much more once the app is on their phones. This is where the magic happens for your business. Here are our recommendations for cross-pollinating your strategies:

  • You can use Performance Marketing to identify and target specific user segments based on demographics, behaviours, and preferences.
  • You can then your campaigns to appeal to these segments which help optimise your CPA and maximise your ROI.
  • You can leverage Growth Marketing to analyse user data and behaviour to identify high-potential segments which can similarly help personalise your engagement strategy (you can read more about how to refine your apps customer journey here.)

For one of our food app clients, our Growth team found that users were dropping off before conversion. This was because users were specifically dropping off at the verification stage of the onboarding process, because it was too difficult and tedious to complete. Therefore, we decided to gamify the process by making the verification more akin to a Captcha Screen, which improved the conversion rate.

Everything loops back to the Infinite App Growth Loop
Something very close to our hearts at Yodel Mobile is the Infinite App Growth Loop, a holistic framework bringing together performance and growth, as the insights and feedback from Growth Marketing, such as customer surveys and product usage analysis, can inform optimisations on performance marketing campaigns and vice versa. This offers you a flexible and agile marketing strategy to combat any growth obstacle.

Yodel Mobile’s Infinite App Growth Loop

Performance Marketing and Growth Marketing, although distinct, are inseparable and complementary, working together to drive the success of any app. Performance marketing focuses on immediate results and measurable outcomes, leveraging data and analytics to optimise user acquisition, engagement, and conversions. It’s akin to the fuel that propels the app forward, ensuring a steady stream of users and revenue. Growth Marketing is the compass that guides the long-term trajectory of the app. It’s about building a sustainable user base, fostering brand loyalty, and expanding the app’s reach through innovative strategies and user-centric approaches.

For a successful app, striking the right balance between these two marketing approaches is what ensures long-term success for any app business. Performance Marketing provides the necessary initial thrust, but Growth Marketing charts the course for sustained success. Both strategies should be continuously refined and integrated.

About the Author
Amish Zinzuwadia has over 10 years’ experience in the paid acquisition space and now leads the Paid UA team at Yodel Mobile, covering client strategy, team management and innovation.

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Holiday season: Top ASO & ASA strategies from leading app marketers https://mobilemarketingmagazine.com/holiday-season-top-aso-asa-strategies-from-leading-app-marketers/ Thu, 19 Oct 2023 10:14:47 +0000 Jay Bugeja, Content Executive at Yodel Mobile, looks ahead to the company’s upcoming webinar offering advice on how to get your holiday season app marketing strategy in place. The holiday

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Jay Bugeja, Content Executive at Yodel Mobile, looks ahead to the company’s upcoming webinar offering advice on how to get your holiday season app marketing strategy in place.

The holiday season is just around the corner, and it’s not only a time for joy and celebrations, but also a golden opportunity for mobile app marketers and developers. As the holiday spirit sweeps across the globe, millions of people turn to their smartphones for shopping, connecting with loved ones, and seeking entertainment. That’s why every mobile app marketer and developer must gear up for this festive season.

In our upcoming webinar, we’re diving into the strategies and best practices that can help you make the most of this holiday season. By optimising your app store listings and paid acquisition efforts, you have the potential to captivate a vast and engaged audience, boost user acquisition, and maximise your revenue streams.

Join us for this exciting and informative webinar on November 1st at 4pm (GMT), where leading app marketers will share their insights and real-world use cases. Learn how to ensure your app shines brightly during this festive season by implementing effective strategies. You can register to join right here.

Here’s a glimpse of what we plan to cover:

1. Why Prepare Your Mobile App for the Festive Season?
Discover why gearing up for the holidays is your chance to skyrocket your app to top positions and significantly increase ROI.

2. ASO Best Holiday Practices
Gain valuable insights on adapting your ASO (App Store Optimization) strategy to align with festive trends and proven techniques to make your app stand out in app stores.

3. ASA Strategies for Maximum User Acquisition
Unlock the festive season’s full potential with Apple Search Ads (ASA) advanced tactics and best practices to maximise user acquisition.

4. Maximising Results through ASO and ASA Synergy During the Holiday Season
Learn how to align your ASO and ASA strategies to optimise your return on investment (ROI) during this crucial time.

Save your spot now to be a part of this engaging and enlightening webinar on November 1st at 4pm (GMT). It’s your chance to learn from the best in the industry and elevate your app’s performance to new heights this holiday season. As always, we’ll reserve a few minutes for a Q&A session at the end, ensuring you have the opportunity to get your questions answered. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to make your app holiday-ready and set yourself up for success! Register here now!

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Talking Mobile with Yodel Mobile https://mobilemarketingmagazine.com/talking-mobile-with-yodel-mobile/ Wed, 16 Aug 2023 20:34:04 +0000 David Murphy takes a deep dive into app marketing with Mick Rigby, Founder and CEO of Yodel Mobile

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David Murphy takes a deep dive into app marketing with Mick Rigby, Founder and CEO of Yodel Mobile.

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Yodel launches competition offering 12 months free app marketing support to one charity https://mobilemarketingmagazine.com/yodel-launches-competition-offering-12-months-free-app-marketing-support-to-one-charity/ Fri, 06 Apr 2018 23:28:30 +0000 Mobile marketing firm Yodel Mobile is aiming to support charities that are reaching out to the public via smartphones by offering one non-profit organisation a free 12 month subscription to

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Mobile marketing firm Yodel Mobile is aiming to support charities that are reaching out to the public via smartphones by offering one non-profit organisation a free 12 month subscription to its Fit to Market app marketing programme.

More and more charities are taking advantage of the benefits of mobile when it comes to aiding development and outreach for their organisations. To acknowledge the great opportunities that mobile holds for charities, Yodel is aiming to support one deserving cause with its team of mobile and app marketing experts.

Yodel have worked with a wide range of businesses to support their digital transformation and entry into the world of apps, and as one of the early starters in the mobile marketing agency space, their team has a wealth of experience in this area.

The company is looking for charities that own an app which is central to their organisation, and that are willing to commit to a hands-on approach that will dramatically improve their performance. The programme will aim to help the charity bridge their marketing, product and development teams and support implementation and performance tracking, with Yodel working closely with the charity to create an internal structure and workflow that is essential for long-term mobile success.

Charities are being invited to apply via charity@yodelmobile.com by Friday 13 April with the following details:

  • What the charity does
  • What their current app does, and what it means for the wider organisation/digital strategy
  • Their current app marketing efforts and the team responsible
  • How it could benefit from Yodel Mobiles app consultancy services

The deadline for the programme is just a week away, so if you work for a charity, nows the time to apply.

The post Yodel launches competition offering 12 months free app marketing support to one charity appeared first on Mobile Marketing Magazine.
