Member Content Archives - Mobile Marketing Magazine Mobile Marketing Magazine Tue, 16 Apr 2024 08:05:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Member Content Archives - Mobile Marketing Magazine 32 32 Why AdX’s new in-stream classification provides opportunity, not disaster Wed, 17 Apr 2024 07:00:21 +0000 In the dynamic realm of programmatic video buying, Google’s AdX implemented the OpenRTB 2.6 standards on April 1st, 2024, heralding a significant shift in the landscape. This move, while initially

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In the dynamic realm of programmatic video buying, Google’s AdX implemented the OpenRTB 2.6 standards on April 1st, 2024, heralding a significant shift in the landscape. This move, while initially unsettling, presents a unique opportunity for advertisers to redefine their strategies and embrace new advertising efficiencies.

Unravelling the Journey

For years, the in-stream vs outstream distinction has served as a beacon for video buyers to discern high-quality video inventory, while maintaining a scalable trading strategy.

Yet, like many systems, its efficacy has waned over time. A combination of high publisher yields for video players and the introduction of ‘audible & viewable on completion’ as health metrics led to an increase in video inventory that was technically in-stream, but lacked the quality that this classification had been intended to protect.

Small, floating ‘in-stream’ units flooded the market and delivered inflated video completion rates, without delivering much real value to advertisers. Essentially, media owner’s had found a way to game the system, and open-web video has suffered as a result.

Recognising the pitfalls,  the IAB and OpenRTB have intervened to restore integrity to the ecosystem.

A Stricter Definition

Prior to the shift, in-stream was broadly defined as: “advertising played before, during, or after the streaming video content that the consumer has requested.” 

This definition left a lot of room for ‘creative’ video player integrations that technically met this criteria, but not in the true spirit of ‘in-stream advertising’.

The new in-stream criteria marks a pivotal moment. No longer can mere technical compliance suffice. The new standards demand user-initiated starts, default sound-on settings, and a clear alignment of content with user intent. This evolution sets a higher bar for quality, ensuring that in-stream truly delivers on its promise.

Navigating the New In-Stream Terrain

With the supply of in-stream inventory now drastically reduced—estimated at a mere 10% of its former volume—buyers face a crucial decision. Do they overpay for scarce in-stream placements, or adapt to a new paradigm of quality assessment amidst the outstream deluge?

Enter placement targeting—a beacon of precision in a sea of uncertainty. By leveraging the granular data associated with each placement ID, advertisers can gain unprecedented insights into video quality. This approach transcends conventional inclusion/exclusion lists, offering a streamlined path to accessing premium inventory without the premium price tag.

The Future: Genuine Video Ad Quality 

The future of video buying lies not in lamenting the ‘disaster’ of in-stream scarcity but in seizing the opportunities that this change affords. 

Whilst placement ID video targeting might sound daunting, it can help you to avoid the newly inflated premium for the shrinking pile of in-stream inventory. Moreover, and perhaps most importantly, placement targeting offers advertisers a streamlined avenue to tap into truly high-quality video placements, ensuring positive ad experiences for your audience.

Eager to delve deeper into the realm of placement ID video targeting? Don’t hesitate to reach out:

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]]> 0 appoints Nikolai Lundstrøm Brink as Country Manager of Denmark Tue, 16 Apr 2024 07:56:13 +0000 Partnership managment platform,, has named Nikolai Lundstrøm Brink as Country Manager, Denmark. In his new role, Lundstrøm will be charged with growing to become the market leader in the

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Partnership managment platform,, has named Nikolai Lundstrøm Brink as Country Manager, Denmark.

In his new role, Lundstrøm will be charged with growing to become the market leader in the partnership marketing space in Denmark.

Lundstrøm has been working in the sector for ten years, initially as an affiliate, and more recently as Head of Sales for affiliate network Adtraction Denmark.

Commenting on his appointment, Lundstrøm said: “This is an exciting time to lead the charge for in Denmark, as more companies wake up to the power of partnerships. While we have a good client base in the region, there is ample room for expansion.

“Aarhus is known as the affiliate capital of Denmark and I’m looking forward to introducing more powerhouse brands to the potential of partnerships.”’s Denmark operation forms a key part of the company’s plans in EMEA, which have been accelerated by the presence of in the Nordics in recent years. MD of the Nordic region, Frédéric Taillier, added: “This is a great time for partnerships to take centre stage, as advertising becomes ever noisier and less efficient.

“Nikolai brings valuable experience to the role, and I know he’ll be a great success as our lead-out man in Denmark. His appointment will help us consolidate our position as the leading partnership management platform in the Nordics”

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The Digital Markets Act: What a difference a month makes Tue, 09 Apr 2024 07:00:15 +0000 By Robert Wildner, CEO and Co-Founder at AVOW One month into the EU’s Digital Markets Act (DMA), AVOW CEO Robert Wildner examines the initial impact and ongoing adjustments as tech

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By Robert Wildner, CEO and Co-Founder at AVOW

One month into the EU’s Digital Markets Act (DMA), AVOW CEO Robert Wildner examines the initial impact and ongoing adjustments as tech giants adapt to the changing landscape.

It’s been a month since the European Union’s (EU) landmark Digital Markets Act (DMA) launched. As of March 6, this pivotal moment in the DMA timeline forced Google and Apple to allow their customers to download alternative app stores onto Android and iOS. What’s more, they’re now obligated to give users the decision over which apps come preloaded on their new smartphones too. So how have things gone in the last few weeks?

As the founder of an app growth company whose specialism is mobile OEM advertising, I’ve naturally kept an eye on the subject. While I admire these big industry leaders, I’ve long thought their dominance is a monopoly—and now the EU agrees. What I’ve subsequently seen in the last month has been promising, if not uncomplicatedly so. On the other hand, I’ve also read a range of perspectives that have challenged me too. With that in mind, let’s take a look at how the DMA is going one month in.

No Comply: Are Google and Apple trying to undermine the EU?

As The Verge reports, the European Commission (EC) is already investigating Apple and Google for DMA noncompliance. 

In total, the EC will conduct five inquiries examining, among other things: the implementation of anti steering rules in the two tech giant’s app stores; Google’s ability to self-preference its services via its search engine, and the efficacy of Apple’s browser choice screen. It will also look at the iPhone manufacturer’s new developer terms, which, as Tech Crunch reports, include requirements for developers to pay 50 cents (EUR) per fresh installation after 1 million such downloads—not to mention commision rates.

Some, like Spotify CEO Daniel Ek, might argue that it’s not an ideal start for the EU legislation. But doesn’t it in fact show that the EC is taking things seriously? Even the DMA’s critics, such as Lazar Radic from Portland’s International Center for Law and Economics acknowledge that the law isn’t “self-executing.” So let’s not forget that the DMA is unprecedented. Like any new legislation, of course there are going to be teething problems in its execution. But we’ll only discover what they might be by testing it. 

Spotify, Fortnite, and Opera bask in the DMA’s Glory

As spring arrives, so do the first fruits of the DMA. And as per the Verge, Spotify is planning on taking advantage of the new legislation, which allows it to advertise its full range of subscriptions using links to its own website within Apple’s App Store itself. Previously this hadn’t been possible, as Apple had both limited subscription offers for services rivaling its Music streaming platform, as well as blocked out-of-app links. Although Spotify has so far only submitted an application to do so with the App Store, it’s a promising step. 

What’s more, two days before the DMA launched, a 5-year antitrust investigation by the EC, which was sparked by a complaint by Spotify on this very issue, concluded by fining Apple 1.8 billion Euros. Who says nothing ever changes?

Elsewhere, there’s been more good news. Following the DMA’s launch, Apple has relented in its battle with Fortnite developer Epic, paving the way for the return of the long-running, multimode online videogame to the App Store. Moreover, the DMA’s rules allowing users to choose which essential apps they’d like to use when booting up new smartphones have already been game-changing. Only two weeks after the DMA came into force, the mobile web browser Opera, originally founded in Norway, has reported a 168 percent increase in iOS downloads. And in France alone, iOS installations of the browser increased 402 percent, while Android downloads boomed by 54 percent. 

As such, while there might still be a few grey clouds on the horizon, the future for the DMA is looking bright.

Go West: DMA-style legislation heads to the USA

Over the pond, similar changes are afoot. Last month, the Department of Justice filed an antitrust suit against Apple for restricting access to its software and hardware, thereby preventing competition. As a result, the possibility of DMA-style legislation has become a hot topic among commentators, especially naysayers.  

On the one hand, some people, such as Yahoo Finance’s Grace Kay, are anxious that DMA-style legislation in America could mean that iPhone users enjoy less privacy, more spyware, and a less enjoyable user-experience. By allowing more options on the App Store, she reasons, the gates could open to a greater number of bug-ridden apps. On the other hand, Kati Suominen from the Center for Strategic and International Studies argues that the DMA disproportionately targets US companies, and that the supposed additional cost it entails will be passed onto consumers. 

While both compellingly written, I must take issue with aspects of these articles.

Firstly, the likelihood of Apple making an inferior and less secure product just because the company must now allow fair competition seems like scaremongering. Indeed, while there will hopefully soon be a greater number of apps available on the App Store, the idea that Apple will allow harmful services into its ecosystem seems far-fetched too. 

Secondly, and contrary to Suominen’s otherwise skilfully composed argument, the logic that giving consumers more choice will mean that the services apps provide will become more expensive seems similarly flawed. More competition for the same audience will inevitably mean more competitive pricing—not less. Indeed, for that matter, there’s also a good reason why the EU has targeted Apple and Google, and it has nothing to do with their postcodes…

So that’s it for the DMA’s first month in action. I’ll continue to be keeping an eye on the topic, so stay tuned for further updates!- Robert.

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Preciso announces new integrated solution to deliver next-level native advertising Mon, 08 Apr 2024 09:38:39 +0000 Preciso has launched a new integrated advertising solution, Ultima, to deliver efficient and targeted native ads that drive meaningful engagement while minimising ad spend.  With consumers becoming less tolerant of

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Preciso has launched a new integrated advertising solution, Ultima, to deliver efficient and targeted native ads that drive meaningful engagement while minimising ad spend.

 With consumers becoming less tolerant of disruptive ads when browsing or shopping online – and blind to more traditional advertising banners – the value of native has never been greater. In fact, the global market is set to reach $400 billion by 2025. 

Preciso’s new Ultima solution provides a holistic tool to transform native campaign management by:

  • Using machine learning technology to create personalised campaign creatives – e.g. text and imagery – and automatically embed them within web pages to combat banner blindness and drive meaningful engagement at scale 
  • Deploying AI bid-smart technology to optimise the bidding and buying process in real time, ensuring only the most relevant ad placements are secured, minimising ad wastage and associated carbon emissions 

Early results demonstrate that Ultima is enabling advertisers to capitalise on the effectiveness of native to engage more new users, increase awareness and brand visibility, and reduce spend. 

Performance tests conducted for a fashion client showed:

  • 2.1% CTR (vs 1.84%  Industry Average) 
  • 65.94% Engagement Rate (vs 60.03% Industry Average)
  • 3m 46s Average Session Duration (vs 2m 40s Industry Average) 
  • 32.54% Bounce Rate (vs 35.76% Industry Average) 

Native placement CTRs also performed higher than display across verticals such as Pet/Animal, with a performance of 1.96% vs 0.46% respectively. 

Commenting on the launch, Preciso’s Head of Data & Campaign Analysis, Boomathi Boominathan, said: “As consumers’ banner blindness continues to drive advertiser spend from display towards native ad placements, we are well positioned to drive real value for the user, enabling them to immerse themselves in content directly relevant to what they are consuming on the page – rather than generic content based on previous clicks. This is what naturally makes native ads more effective and we’ve found a way to maximise that for our clients”.

Preciso CEO Piero Pavone, added: “With Ultima, we are continuing our journey as disruptors in the world of ad-buying and media strategy. This revolutionary product is already delivering higher CTRs and dwell time for our brand advertisers – while significantly driving down CPMs and site abandonment. What’s more, those clicks are leading to sustained engagement – people really are reading the content that we’re putting in front of them. We are delighted with the initial findings.” 

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Interview with Fern Potter, SVP of Product and Partnerships, Multilocal Thu, 04 Apr 2024 07:40:45 +0000 Fern Potter, SVP of Product and Partnerships at Multilocal Media, talks about the dawn of sustainable private marketplaces (PMPs) and the future of sustainability in advertising. Welcome, Fern. Before we

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Fern Potter, SVP of Product and Partnerships at Multilocal Media, talks about the dawn of sustainable private marketplaces (PMPs) and the future of sustainability in advertising.

Welcome, Fern. Before we dive into the topic, please tell us more about your role at Multilocal.

 I joined Multilocal at the beginning of 2023. My primary responsibility has been making sure that as a technology and service provider in a fast-moving industry, we remain at the forefront of our customers’ minds and respond to changing needs. For the most part, I’ve been helping to develop partnerships with publishers, data providers, brands, agencies and digital sustainability platforms like Cedara.

So let’s talk about your new sustainable PMP, CarbonSmart. What is the idea behind this solution, and why now? 

In the programmatic industry, trillions of bid impressions happen every day – which comes at a cost to the environment. Research suggests that a typical online ad campaign emits around 5.4 tons of carbon dioxide, which is equivalent to 1.09 grams of CO₂ for each impression. Across even a short period of time, these numbers get huge, fast. 

In the EU, corporate sustainability reporting is coming into play, putting pressure on all departments, including marketing, to reduce these emissions. 

We wanted to develop a solution that would help significantly reduce the carbon impact of programmatic advertising, so we built a dedicated sustainable PMP solution. The idea of CarbonSmart is to deliver the performance everyone enjoys from a PMP but with an average 90% reduction in wasteful bid transactions.

We also partnered with the carbon intelligence platform Cedara to validate the efficacy of our solution. For instance, if we reduce bids in a given campaign, we can confidently say that we’re also reducing 80% of the associated carbon emissions.

So, what exactly makes CarbonSmart different from regular PMPs?

Firstly, PMP’s can be considered more sustainable than accessing inventory via the OMP, since the curation of domains reduces ad wastage by packaging together relevant data, supply, and media – successfully identifying sites generating less than 1kg of carbon per month across all markets and verticals. 

CarbonSmart works by adding a layer of optimisation on top of the PMP, which we call Active Curation. The technology works by eliminating unnecessary bid requests and maintaining impression delivery and performance while significantly reducing carbon emissions. 

Through our partnership with Cedara, we can measure the carbon reduction campaigns achieve when they have CarbonSmart implemented – by calculating the kilobyte value of data transfers eliminated from the transactions, as well as their associated carbon emissions. 

The other difference between standard PMPs and CarbonSmart-driven PMPs is the monetary cost. Some providers tout their sustainable methods of service delivery as a luxury, meaning it comes at an additional cost. But that’s not the way the industry should be. With Multilocal, sustainability comes as standard. 

Who do you think would benefit the most from using sustainable PMP technology?

Any businesses in the ad industry who are committing to initiatives like Ad Net Zero would benefit from the technology. As mentioned, it offers marketers a way to reduce the carbon emissions of their PMP programmatic efforts by an average of 80%, which can have an immediate and long-term impact on reaching carbon-related goals. 

So it’s specifically aimed at brands, advertisers and agencies with a sustainability agenda/mission and for delivering on ESG objectives. But it will also enable DSPs and SSPs to make considerable cost savings through the reduction of bid transactions, while delivering a more sustainable marketplace to direct clients. 

This all sounds pretty innovative. Before you leave, what do you think the future holds for the advertising industry?

Of course, the first step has always been acknowledging the problem. Historically, it was perhaps easier for the industry to ignore the environmental impact of advertising because it all felt quite abstract. These days, not only do we know it has a huge impact, but we can now measure it accurately. And with measurement comes accountability – and the opportunity to counter bad practices.

Ad Net Zero has provided a much-needed impetus to help jump-start the industry into committing to tackle climate change, while the Global Alliance for Responsible Media (GARM) has put together the world’s first cross-industry action guide to sustainable media for advertisers. As initiatives and resources continue to emerge, I’m optimistic that we as an industry will be able to make a lot of tangible changes in the near future. 

To learn more about sustainable marketplace curation services, visit

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Making Your App Stand Out with REPLUG and Alternative App Stores Tue, 02 Apr 2024 11:36:25 +0000 By Jovana Stanković, marketing manager at REPLUG In the world of apps, getting noticed is a big deal. There are so many apps out there that it can be tough

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By Jovana Stanković, marketing manager at REPLUG

In the world of apps, getting noticed is a big deal. There are so many apps out there that it can be tough to make yours stand out. Alternative app stores are a cool option, and we at REPLUG are here to help you explore this path. 

Our expertise in mobile OEM marketing means we can show you how to reach new people who might love your app in ways you might not have thought about before.

Why go beyond the usual app stores?

We all know the big app stores, but sometimes, they’re so packed with apps it’s hard to get noticed. There’s a big opportunity to grow by looking at other places, like alternative app stores, where your app can be a big fish in a smaller pond. This isn’t just about putting your app in new places; it’s about finding new people who will use and love it.

Growing your app’s audience

Imagine your app being strategically placed within key areas of a user’s phone, ensuring visibility from the moment they begin using their device. That’s what we can do with mobile OEM marketing.

We can get your app into spots like dynamic preloads, ads in app stores other than the big ones, and even on the phone’s lock screen. This way, more people see your app in alternative placements, making them more likely to try it.

Reaching out far and wide

With REPLUG, your app can reach over 1.5 billion devices (and growing) in over 80 countries. That’s a lot of potential users! And because we work with OEMs and carriers, we can help your app get noticed by a global audience in ways that regular app ads can’t match.

Breaking away from the crowd

Many apps rely on the same few ways to get noticed, meaning they’re all competing for the same space. There’s a smarter way to do things. Using mobile OEM marketing, your app can stand out and reach people in a new and different way. It’s a chance to be one of the first to try something new, getting your app ahead of the competition.

Finding the right people

One of the best things about this approach is how well you can target your ads. With REPLUG, the best app marketing agency for OEM marketing, you reach the people most likely to enjoy your app without being annoying or invasive. This means more people don’t just see your app but the right people. 

In addition, OEMs and Carriers have a wide range of targeting options that can lead to better results. 

Recap: alternative app stores

  • Wider reach: Reach new audiences outside the crowded spaces of Google Play and Apple’s App Store. It’s like discovering a new favorite spot that isn’t overrun by crowds.
  • Less competition: Stand out easier in a smaller pond, where your app can catch users’ attention without fighting through a sea of competitors.
  • Niche audiences: Connect directly with specific groups of users who are interested in what your app offers. It’s like finding the perfect crowd for precisely what you’re selling.
  • Unique promotions: Take advantage of different promotional tactics that aren’t available in bigger stores, helping your app get noticed by more people.
  • Better terms: Enjoy potentially more favorable financial terms, like keeping a larger portion of your sales revenue.
  • Global access: Reach users in regions where the major app stores might not dominate, opening up international doors for your app.

Using alternative app stores offers a strategic path to getting your app in front of users eager to discover it, potentially improving visibility and earnings in the process.

Let’s get started

Exploring alternative app stores with REPLUG means you’re not just throwing your app out there and hoping for the best. You’re taking a smart, targeted approach to find new users who will love what you’ve made. 

We’re excited to help you take this step and see your app grow in ways you didn’t think were possible. Reach out, and let’s chat about making your app a success in a new way.

Discover how to reach a unique audience with mobile OEM marketing. Contact us today.

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The Apple Vision Pro Will Change Mobile App Marketing – Here’s How Wed, 27 Mar 2024 07:57:01 +0000 Jesse Wiafe is a marketing executive and copywriter at Yodel Mobile, a leading mobile app marketing company. Assisting the agency’s growth efforts, Jesse regularly shares insights on the latest app

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Jesse Wiafe is a marketing executive and copywriter at Yodel Mobile, a leading mobile app marketing company. Assisting the agency’s growth efforts, Jesse regularly shares insights on the latest app marketing strategies, promoting sustainable and long-term growth.

Currently, Apple’s visionOS operating system stands at the forefront of tech innovation, revolutionising the way that we think about app development and user engagement. VisionOS is the operating system of the latest addition to Apple’s product catalogue, the Apple Vision Pro.

The Apple Vision Pro is a wearable headset that removes the limitations of needing a screen to use a computer. This experience has been labelled ‘spatial computing’ where the users’ physical space is augmented with what is referred to as an “infinite spatial canvas”. This means users can now experience a fully three-dimensional user interface where digital content can be physically controlled by their eyes, hands and voice.

The Vision Pro headset officially released in the US on February 2nd, 2024 and is set to launch worldwide. While other countries have no official release date yet, analysts claim that the Apple Vision Pro will be launched internationally before the WWDC in June 2024.  

How will your mobile app marketing be impacted by this new device? Here at Yodel Mobile, we have started to review the new possibilities that the Apple Vision Pro can extend onto the product experience of our clients’ apps. While the new visionOS App Store is in its infancy, we have noticed some clear opportunities and challenges for developers. See below for inside knowledge on ways to tailor your app marketing techniques to the Apple Vision Pro.

The New VisionOS App Store

The Apple Vision Pro features its own dedicated App Store. This means a new algorithm and therefore new ways to optimise for visibility and conversion. The new visionOS App Store launched with over 600 new apps. Since its initial launch in February, this number has now increased to 1000 native apps. This is a clear indication that Apple is pushing the new format for app developers. Developers have the option to opt-in their pre-existing iOS apps for availability on visionOS to streamline this process and currently, Apple boasts over 1.5 million compatible apps available on the headset. 

You will immediately notice the new App Store has a different appearance to the iOS and iPad App Stores. The visual nature of the new spatial computing headset means there is a larger focus on the visual and creative aspects of the App Store to reflect the in-app experience. It is also assumed that there will be a heavy reliance on the visionOS App Store search for app discovery.  

The visionOS app store operates under a different search format than we’ve seen on iOS or iPadOS and will require a more tailored approach to visibility optimisations. It is worth noting that these findings pertain to the visionOS app store on the Apple Vision Pro. Since its launch, the visionOS App Store has become available on web. The browsing experience on web mimics those of other Apple devices on web. See below for ways to optimise your ASO efforts.

Source: (Apple’s developer notes on submitting your app to the visionOS)

Improve Your Discovery on visionOS

In these earlier days, many developers have struggled with lower app visibility. Immersive reality specialist Tom Ffiske has investigated and shared findings on the state of search on the Apple Vision Pro. Developers have commented that they feel that discovery on the Apple Vision Pro App Store is an issue. A noted issue is that featured or top-ranking lists are not obviously served to users – a real limitation of discovery opportunities that you would normally find on iOS. On top of that, there have also been claims that the analytics system is sub-standard on the Apple Vision Pro, with bugs, technical issues and a lack of transparency. Some developers also commented that data for app download attribution seems to be a major blind area on Apple’s part. While the source of app downloads does show, app developers have encountered issues with misattribution. Some of the blame also goes toward the new systems in place for users to search with.

The New Way to Search on the Apple Vision Pro

You might have guessed it- spatial technology means the Apple Vision Pro comes with no physical keyboard. There are new systems and features in place to type and search which should be optimised for native Apple Vision Pro apps: 

  • Air Typing: Users type in the air using a virtual keyboard, many find this difficult as there is no haptic feedback, (no vibration or feeling). 
  • Look and Pinch Method: Users will pinch while looking at each letter on the virtual keyboard. 
  • Voice Dictation: Users can simply dictate what they want to be written, and the system will do its best to produce your words.

That means that ASO practitioners need to consider optimising for a wide range of search methods. We believe that out of all of these features, developers and ASO strategists should optimise their metadata towards voice dictation as the natural approach for search on this new App Store. So far, many users have found voice dictation is the fastest and most convenient search method while using visionOS.

The skew towards voice dictation can heavily impact your keyword optimisation efforts. Metadata may have to be optimised to work better with voice searches and dictation. This means factoring in qualitative factors like slang, different accents or acronyms.  

Bearing this in mind, localisation might play a larger role in key word optimisation for visionOS. Developers may have to pay more attention to different regions, languages and cultural contexts to reach a broader audience, ensuring to make an effort to keep keywords up to date as languages and cultures continue to grow and change.

Just as when optimising for any other store, utilize analytics tools to track the performance of your keywords. Adjust your strategy based on the insights that you gain. Also, pay attention to user feedback and reviews. Often, users mention specific features or terms that can be valuable keywords.

See the image below of voice search being used as an example.

Source: (LinkedIn)

Know Your visionOS Metadata Basics

On the Apple Vision Pro App Store, the product page will have similar metadata elements to the iOS App Store, though it is much more limited in its scope. 

  • App name: Similarly to iOS, the apps name on the Apple Vision Pro only allows for 30 characters. There is a possibility that ASO convention (hierarchical importance) will remain the same.  
  • Subtitle: Like the app name, the subtitle is also the same character length. Typical best practice will likely remain the same (i.e.: using CTA’s, utilising important, high value/volume keywords etc.) 
  • Description: Apple suggests that the ideal description is a concise, informative paragraph followed by a short list of main features. The description text is specific to the product page on Apple Vision Pro. This is the opportunity to highlight features that are unique to the visionOS product experience.

Additionally, because of the nature of this new spatial technology, developers must now include app motion information in the app’s copy. This is a safety measure for users.

Leverage Your Visual App Store Creatives for the Apple Vision Pro Product Page

As mentioned above, the spatial computing concept means there will now be a larger focus on the more visual and creative aspects of the App Store. You’ll even notice that once you’ve downloaded your new set of apps on the device, app icons on your home screen will be round as opposed to the more cubic shape that we see on other Apple devices. 

App developers will now have to either optimise their app icons for this new format or consider creating entirely new ones which fit the new creative requirements of the visionOS App Store. The icons are typically a clear indication of apps that have been optimised natively for the Apple Vision Pro, those which are optimised will carry the new round icon shape when placed onto your home screen. Those which aren’t optimised will still appear square. Outdated icons could present a negative signal for prospective app users. The lack of relevant optimisation for the platform could seem as an indicator of a pending poor app experience. It would be favourable for all developers to follow best practices and creative guidelines for the visionOS App Store to encourage download and usage.

Source: (Vision Pro Developer Blog)

Screenshots and Previews on the Apple Vision Pro

It is not only icons that change in this environment. Screenshots and app preview videos will also be key to conveying your Vision Pro app experience to potential users. These require a new approach for the Apple Vision Pro App Store listing. Apple stresses that screenshots should be directly screen-grabbed or recorded from the Apple Vision Pro. This way, the surroundings, features and experience are conveyed as authentically to the in-app experience as possible. App developers can also create simulations of the Apple Vision Pro experience as long as they accurately represent the app.  

Apple also suggests that if the app experience relies heavily on hands or specific gestures, app owners can include a person’s hands in the screenshots or app previews. We envision that Apple may be stringent in their review process. They may reject any screenshots that include hands or simulations that take creative license or without a clear reason. In this case, the Apple Vision Pro creative assets are much more functional in their purpose than iOS screenshots which have the freedom to be much more heavily branded and promotional. It is also not clear when native store features such as A/B testing will become available. We may be some time away from these types of optimisation efforts on the visionOS store. More can be found here on Apple’s guideline page.

Source: (Hardware Zone)


Of all the significant shifts in mobile app marketing, the Apple Vision Pro will definitely create one of the larger impacts we will see in the current climate. The exact effects of said impact will become more apparent as time goes on. Given it’s current price, ($3499), it’s difficult how soon this new computing style will be adopted by the masses. Do stay plugged in with us for future updates on how best to optimise for the visionOS algorithm on the Apple Vision Pro.  

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Cracking the Code: AVOW’s Blueprint for Success in Mobile OEM Advertising Mon, 25 Mar 2024 14:47:13 +0000 Robert Wilder, CEO of AVOW, details the breakthroughs in mobile advertising with targeted media buying, smart KPIs, and the innovative AVOW Intelligence tool. There’s a profound simplicity to the most

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Robert Wilder, CEO of AVOW, details the breakthroughs in mobile advertising with targeted media buying, smart KPIs, and the innovative AVOW Intelligence tool.

There’s a profound simplicity to the most transformative innovations. What they all seem to achieve is an understanding of the core challenges facing them, while also eliminating excess and designing solutions that make the complex seem elementary.  Even in the realm of mobile OEM advertising—a domain rife with complexity—these principles have always summed up my philosophy.

When we started AVOW, we didn’t just want to find a ‘need’ and fulfill it, but revolutionize the way in which we go about fulfilling it itself. Back then, mobile OEM advertising was in its infancy, and as with anything new and uncharted, there were many growing pains. But through those pains came collaboration, innovation and an appreciation for the needs of mobile marketers everywhere. Today, with our clients receiving over 10-million monthly downloads across 100s of live campaigns, the fruits of our labor are clear for all to see. But how did we get here? And more importantly, how will we develop and progress even further?

To the uninitiated, media buying is the art of acquiring ad space on mobile OEM devices, apps, or in-app platforms. It’s a delicate process, requiring precision, agility, and foresight. Get it right, and you have targeted reach, cost-effectiveness, and brand visibility, with the ability for real-time performance monitoring. However, the sheer volume of data can drown even the most experienced media buyers. And  amid this noise, there’s a need for a guiding light—AVOW Intelligence.


Getting the Vision Right: Introducing AVOW Intelligence

AVOW Intelligence is a revolution—a one of a kind—conceived from the intersection of cutting-edge technology and a profound understanding of our clients’ needs. Crafting this technological marvel didn’t happen overnight. Getting it right took time, patience, and an unwavering commitment to excellence.

As a result of this diligence, the tool now offers unprecedented insights from a myriad of mobile OEMs and mobile measurement partners (MMPs). It’s as if we’ve built a bridge connecting our media buyers to the right data, enabling swift, informed decisions. As a result, there’s no more guesswork—and no more data silos either. Instead the tool provides  clarity and actionable insights, enabling our customers to lead successful marketing campaigns.

During its beta phase, our global clientele, including Amazon Prime Video, AirAsia, Kumu, Shopee, Kredivo, Didi, JOOM, LOTTO24, and Zephyr Mobile, among others, witnessed unprecedented results with AVOW, a testament to AVOW Intelligence’s power and potential. Regardless of vertical or industry, our people-powered tech allows us to optimize for the right OEM or advertising mix. And for prospective and current clients alike, it’s a beacon promising unparalleled efficiencies and insights.

Moreover, none of this would have been possible without the meticulous support and collaboration of our esteemed partners such as Huawei, OPPO, Xiaomi, and Vivo. We engage closely with them, drawing insights, refining strategies, and ensuring AVOW Intelligence mirrors the evolving landscape of mobile OEM advertising. This symbiotic relationship has accelerated our successes as well as fortified our standing as a long-lasting, trusted partner with these OEM giants, resulting in key partnerships in many key markets. These partnerships have also extended to MMPs, with AVOW becoming an AppsFlyer Premier Solutions partner in 2023.

Perfecting the Art of Media Buying

Media buying isn’t a buffet where one size fits all. Each platform, each ad placement, each mobile OEM, has nuances. By combining our team’s expertise with AVOW Intelligence, we’ve developed an intimate understanding of the business’s ins and outs. What’s more, this partnership of man and machine allows us to comprehend the strengths and subtleties of each mobile OEM platform, optimizing strategies for maximum impact.

I’ve always believed in  humanity and technology working together harmoniously. Here at AVOW, it’s our people, empowered by AVOW Intelligence, that make the magic happen. They sift the data, drawing invaluable conclusions and knowing precisely where to optimize. This data infused and targeted approach to media buying is what sets us apart.

Smart KPIs are AVOW’s Blueprint for Success

While many media buyers are still entangled in the web of cost per install (CPI) models, AVOW has taken a leap ahead. We’re not just looking at the initial interactions but  delving deeper, getting to grips with the complete user journey, and focusing on outcomes that matter in the long run, be they in-app purchases, sign-ups, or any form of meaningful engagement. This strategic shift is what makes AVOW unique in our field.

The relationship we forge with each client begins with meticulous market research, crystal-clear campaign objectives, and selecting ad formats that resonate with their audience. These smart KPIs, coupled with continuous A/B testing, allows us to refine, redefine, and elevate our campaigns, providing our customers with lucrative opportunities they won’t find elsewhere.

 Humanizing Technology in Mobile OEM Advertising

At its core, media-buying is about establishing genuine, impactful connections. And while mobile OEM advertising’s potential can be daunting, it’s the human touch, combined with technology, that creates the magic. By launching AVOW Intelligence, we’re simplifying this intricate process by focusing on what truly matters, thereby ushering in a new era in mobile OEM advertising. 

Even though AVOW Intelligence serves as our compass, it’s our seasoned team—the maestros behind each campaign—who breathe life into data. With AVOW at the helm, we make sure that brands are not only discernible in mobile advertising’s cacophony of players—but unforgettable too.

As such, our inimitable combination of cutting-edge software and human insight offers a strategic advantage that is transforming the media-buying landscape. As Leonardo da Vinci once remarked, “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication,” an ethos AVOW today embodies.

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Oatly partners with Jellyfish after pitch to find the unconventional Thu, 21 Mar 2024 12:53:41 +0000 Swedish oat milk brand, Oatly has unveiled its partnership with Jellyfish, the integrated global digital marketing business, as they continue to revolutionise their approach to content, commerce and community. As

The post Oatly partners with Jellyfish after pitch to find the unconventional appeared first on Mobile Marketing Magazine.

Swedish oat milk brand, Oatly has unveiled its partnership with Jellyfish, the integrated global digital marketing business, as they continue to revolutionise their approach to content, commerce and community.

As a result, Oatly has appointed Jellyfish after a characteristically inventive pitch process, where Jellyfish showcased its unconventional combination of media, creative, and brand strategy, ensuring media was in lockstep with Oatly’s creative focus.

Jellyfish will work with Oatly globally across 40 markets across the globe. The incumbent is PHD.

In a statement, Oatly’s Global Media Director Sarah Sutton said: We are on a mission to inject more speed, agility and creative innovation into our media planning and execution, we are thrilled to have Jellyfish working alongside us to support and guide us on this journey.

Jellyfish CEO Nick Emery added: “Oatly are the world’s most creatively led marketer. We are honoured, delighted and can’t wait to create good trouble with their brilliant creative teams.”

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Case Study – SuperPlay’s $500,000 daily spend on Gamelight Tue, 19 Mar 2024 11:52:04 +0000 User acquisition company Gamelight and game developer SuperPlay have teamed up to promote their hit titles, Dice Dreams and Domino Dreams. During collaboration since 2022, SuperPlay and Gamelight have partnered

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User acquisition company Gamelight and game developer SuperPlay have teamed up to promote their hit titles, Dice Dreams and Domino Dreams. During collaboration since 2022, SuperPlay and Gamelight have partnered on multiple fronts to grow the existing and new user base, surpassing half a million $ daily spend.

The collaboration aimed to acquire new users for SupePlays’ two titles, Dice Dreams and Domino Dreams. The campaigns were active on iOS and Android in the US, the UK, Germany, France, Japan, Korea, Canada, Australia, Italy, Spain, and the Netherlands. During their run, data from 2 million users was analysed.

Achieved Results

Scaling Gamelight resulted in a direct impact on revenues and ARPU that Dice Dreams generates. This has increased the average ARPU of Dice Dreams on Google Play and Apple App Store by 15% and positively impacted the store rankings, resulting in an organic uplift.

  • Gamelight showed a 38% higher D30 ARPU than all other media sources.
  • Superplay has reached 100%+ ROAS profitability on fully matured cohorts.
  • Scaling Gamelight increased the total average ARPU on app stores by 15% across the whole game. 

Gamelight accurately predicted the users with the highest potential LTV for Dice Dreams and improved its store rankings by 48 positions in the Free Games US store charts.

Impressive long-term retention and ROAS growth were observed, with a D30 of +212%, a D90 of +387%, and +508% for D180

In conclusion, Gamelight and SuperPlay achieved these results thanks to:

  • Endless event postback window
  • 38 various in-game events shared
  • Dynamic events fired at each level pass
  • AI Targeting for optimization
  • High budget caps to scale

Fraud Prevention 

To deliver high-quality users, Gamelight uses a 4-layered solution. Gamelight has an extremely low fraud suspicion rate on MMPs, landing as low as <0.5% across all fraud categories. The general fraud prevention stack consists of the following layers:

  • Gamelight’s self-published apps use the Singular Fraud Prevention Suite and block any user that looks suspicious.
  • Every user will have to pass Gamelight’s Fraud Prevention Solution before being served game recommendations.
  • SuperPlay uses AppsFlyer’s Protect360 solution as a first instance to analyze all clicks and installs.
  • For further validation, Scalarr is used to validate that all requirements are met.

Special Events Activation

Beyond usual UA efforts, SuperPlay and Gamelight have teamed up to host various events throughout the year, coinciding with different festive seasons. By syncing Dice Dream’s in-game events with special rewards on Gamelight’s apps, the collaboration was taken to a whole new level with Halloween Special, X-Mas Boost and Valentine’s Day Special.

During the execution of the events, Superplay achieved an impressive +32% boost in revenues on Gamelight, as well as a user activation of +24%.

Noga Laron, CMO at SuperPlay, UA & RT Lead at SuperPlay, adds: “We deeply value Gamelight as one of our key strategic partners. They play a pivotal role in our growth, covering a substantial portion of our UA spend and actively contributing to the success of our apps.


The long-term collaboration between Gamelight and SupePlay to promote their two titles, Dice Dreams and Domino Dreams, enabled both sides to reach new heights.

Through scaling Gamelight, harnessing its AI Algorithm, and hosting various events throughout the year, the collaboration achieved impressive ROAS Growth and ARPU milestones, effectively reaching and engaging with the target audience. As a result, Superplay has reached a 100%+ ROAS profitability on full matured cohorts and a +15% Increase in app store ARPU, improving their store rankings by 48 positions, Free Games (US) store charts.

Read the full case study here.

The post Case Study – SuperPlay’s $500,000 daily spend on Gamelight appeared first on Mobile Marketing Magazine.

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