David Murphy, Author at Mobile Marketing Magazine https://mobilemarketingmagazine.com/author/david-murphy/ Mobile Marketing Magazine Thu, 04 Jan 2024 10:54:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.2 https://mobilemarketingmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/blog_img6.png David Murphy, Author at Mobile Marketing Magazine https://mobilemarketingmagazine.com/author/david-murphy/ 32 32 Best of 2023: A more sustainable type of advertising https://mobilemarketingmagazine.com/a-more-sustainable-type-of-advertising/ Fri, 22 Dec 2023 07:00:36 +0000 https://mobilemarketingmagazine.com/a-more-sustainable-type-of-advertising/ Mobile Marketing talks sustainable advertising with Olya Dyachuk, Data Driven Media Director at Heineken

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As we head into the new year, Mobile Marketing Magazine recaps some of our best bits from 2023.

In January, Mobile Marketing spoke with sustainable advertising with Olya Dyachuk, Data Driven Media Director at Heineken.

Mobile Marketing: Can you tell us about Heineken’s move to a more sustainable advertising strategy?

Olya Dyachuk: Through the global ‘Brew a Better World’ strategy, which is a set of ambitious commitments aimed at driving a positive impact on the environment, social sustainability and the responsible consumption of alcohol, Heineken is raising the bar to create a fairer, healthier, more inclusive, and sustainable world. Our ambition is to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2040 across the whole chain, and we are proud that this ambition is on top of our marketing agenda. Although making our media and broader marketing more sustainable is challenging, our team at Heineken is committed to the cause.

To do that, we need vehicles that would appropriately manifest our plans and commitments in a social media environment, as a part of our broader media ambitions, and that is why we collaborated with partners like WeAre8 across 2 of our strategic brands – Heineken & Old Mout. Through the unique advertising model on WeAre8, our campaigns with the Heineken brands contributed to climate solutions across the world, and even supported charities that meant the most to the Heineken brands.

We ran three completely different campaigns and tested our WeAre8 capabilities in driving various brand objectives.

First was a campaign for Heineken Silver, a new, extra-refreshing and premium lager. The aim was to drive awareness and consideration of the new product in a planet-friendly way and get meaningful insights on the campaign’s success and the audiences’ likelihood to buy.

The second was for Heineken 12th Woman – the campaign promoting gender equality in football and celebrating the brand’s Woman’s Euros sponsorship.

The third one was for the launch our new exciting Old Mout flavour – Apple and Strawberry – as well as promoting the brand’s partnership with the WWF.

MM: So the ad campaigns are part of a wider company drive?

OD: The ‘Brew a Better World’ strategy was launched in 2021 for every OpCo and every team across our business. It has driven the business to innovate and collaborate to protect the environment, support local communities, and make a positive contribution to society – contributing to the delivery of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The campaigns have been part of a broader sustainability and responsibility agenda, which has to be translated to audiences authentically to avoid greenwashing.

As well as committing to reach net zero emissions across the business by 2040, we also  believe in working in partnership with other companies throughout the supply chain to achieve shared goals, scale positive contributions and limit negative impacts.

MM: Does it have an impact on where your ads appear, as in, you won’t advertise in places that don’t take sustainability seriously?

OD: Our sustainability agenda does have an impact on our advertising decisions. Last year, we ran our first analysis and used the Dentsu carbon calculator to look at how much carbon our campaigns across all brands and channels produce. The outcome of this will now inform our planning principles, creative and production decisions, as well as media partner relationships.

For example, we clearly see that digital advertising produces the highest CO2 for us, so we aim to focus on ways to minimise and offset it. For example, creatively, we know that using SVG files instead of JPG can significantly reduce file size and carbon output, so we aim to work with our creative and media partners to address file size to improve our carbon output. In addition to that, we aim to work with partners who provide a more sustainable media offering.

MM: What has been the impact of the move, what results have you seen?

??OD: Collaborating with WeAre8 on more sustainable and impactful campaigns has enabled us to improve brand metrics through high quality completed views. Heineken can also now report, for one of the first times, on metrics which align with our ‘Brew a Better World’ strategy.

Using WeAre8, we found that on average, 95 per cent of people opted in to watch the ads and watched them in full. The campaigns all achieved more than double the 10 per cent benchmark click-through rates and the insights tool on the WeAre8 ad manager, SAM-I – Sustainable Ad Manager-intelligent – generated over 1m valuable, qualitative insights, which helps us better understand the impact of the campaigns on the chosen audiences.

As a result of the campaigns, over £30,000 of media spend was shared with people on WeAre8 and we emitted just 1.2 tonnes of carbon, while offsetting 66 tonnes of carbon via WeAre8’s partnership with Ecologi, which sees 1 per cent of ad revenue paid towards climate  projects, such as reforestation. This is the equivalent of 51 long haul flights; 198 metres squared of sea ice saved; and 163,746 miles driven in an average car. The ability to be more targeted with the campaigns and ensure an engaged audience reduces the overall carbon footprint of the campaign.

The campaigns helped Heineken to humanise the outcome of the work we are doing, not just in terms of how much CO2 we produced, but how many people received some of the money we had spent on the advertisements. We were able to see that we are contributing to good and educating the business on what we do, what our campaigns deliver and how this translates in real terms, for example how many flights that carbon reduction counts for!

Additionally, these campaigns where the impact is visible and meaningful data can be derived, have proven to positively drive business outcomes. We saw excellent purchase intent responses, got invaluable insights into audiences and how the information was being perceived and gauged the emotional impact of the adverts – particularly when the topic was emotive, such as football being heavily male dominated.

MM: What lessons have you learned from the experience?

OD: This experience has shown us the importance and impact of partnering with a brand that values people and the planet, and has ambitions to bring about positive change through campaigns that make a real difference.

The results we have achieved from these campaigns have helped us to establish the baseline for future campaigns, and develop an understanding of how to set new planning principles and carbon neutrality targets for our media marketing.

Looking forward, there is an important job to be done among advertisers, publishers, media owners and the entire supply chain to engage consumers and raise awareness of sustainability. It’s not a competition, sustainable choices need to become the norm, and all partners can work together to make sure technologies are reducing CO2.

At Heineken UK, we plan to continue working with WeAre8 for our campaigns, and would encourage other brands to look at how their media spend can have a greater impact and help the planet.

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Best of 2023: Talking personalisation with Burger King https://mobilemarketingmagazine.com/talking-personalisation-with-burger-king/ Fri, 22 Dec 2023 07:00:19 +0000 https://mobilemarketingmagazine.com/talking-personalisation-with-burger-king/ Madeleine Dodd, Digital Growth Manager at Burger King, walks David Murphy through a recent campaign that saw great engagement by giving customers a good reason to share the date of their birthday

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As we head into the new year, Mobile Marketing Magazine recaps some of our best bits from 2023.

In September, Madeleine Dodd, Digital Growth Manager at Burger King, walked David Murphy through a recent campaign that saw great engagement by giving customers a good reason to share the date of their birthday.

DM: So Madeleine, with this campaign, you were trying to encourage your customers to share the date of their birthday with you, and in return, giving them a free Whopper or plant-based Whopper. It got off to a slow start, but things picked up when you tweaked it, and I’m looking at the numbers for the campaign here, a 55 per cent open rate, 22 per cent click-to-open rate and 10 per cent clickthrough rate, that generated an 800 per cent increase in the number of people sharing the date of their birthday with you compared to the pre-campaign period. This sounds like email, was it all email or were any other channels used?

MD: It did involve email, but also push and in-app messaging as well. With [customer engagement platform] Braze, we tend to use these three main channels, it gives us an opportunity to leverage all of them.

DM: So the percentages are impressive, but are there are figures you can share in terms of the number of orders or revenues generated?

MD: I cant say anything about orders and revenue specifically, but what I can tell you is that 60 per cent of those who engaged with the campaign and provide their birthday data then went on have a look at our menu. So while that obviously wasnt the direct aim of the campaign, it was great to see that customers did go and have a look around and go on to order.

DM: Okay, and then with each of the channels, could you walk me through the process, so I’m a Burger King customer, but you know nothing about me. You havent got my age or anything like that. What was the process for collecting the data?

MD: With this particular campaign, it was born out of the fact that we had set live this birthday journey where we offered customers a free Whopper on their birthday, and we noticed that not many of our free Whoppers were being given out on people’s birthdays, which was a real shame. And there were a lot of customers that we didn’t have any data on who were missing out on this opportunity. In fact, digging into the data, I noticed that there were way over half of our customers who hadnt given us their date of birth, and thats also because we dont require it at sign up like a lot of other brands do. So it was then that I kind of scratched my head and thought, well, how can we ask for this data without doing it in a way which is, you know, very direct, and makes customers feel like theyre not really getting anything in exchange for providing that information.

And thats where this campaign came from. It was quick, we saw the issue, we wanted to solve it quickly, and obviously, not only did it give us the great conversion rate that we saw of that 800 per cent increase in the number of people self-reporting their birthday, but we also had great engagement rates and it created a lot of noise on our social media channels as well, which was great to see.

DM: So you talked about sign up. So was it a case that somebody would walk into a Burger King restaurant and see a sign saying, if its your birthday, we’ll give you a free Whopper or plant based Whopper, sign up online. And was that roughly what happened?

MD: No, we’re not advertising the Birthday Whopper in restaurant. Its very app-based, very mobile-based and web-based. This was exclusively a digital campaign, which ran on email, in-app and push and thats where customers were then educated about that birthday offer. There was also stuff about it on our website. But again, it wasn’t particularly clear from a customers perspective that thats what they were going to get. They didnt even know that they could get this gift, so it was a great opportunity to educate them on that.

DM: Okay, and you say you noticed people werent taking the offer up. Was it a question of, the campaign running for X number of weeks before you had that insight and then changed it? How long did it take to realise that you needed to tweak it?

MD: We normally allow a good couple of weeks of analysis post-launch to really understand if a campaign is performing as expected, obviously, there can be, you know, some random surges on other days, so we just really wanted to get a good overview of how it was performing. I think before wed really looked into the data, I was just expecting a lot of these webhooks from Braze to be firing out with the birthday Whoppers and it just wasnt the case. So then its a case of saying, it’s a shame people arent getting it, what can we do? Lets go and ask people to update their birthday in a fun way, and then we saw the results of this and then immediately that that uptake of webhooks going out was much higher every day.

DM: And was there any element of social sharing to this? “I just got a free Whopper, tell Burger King when its your birthday and you can get yours” sort of thing.

MD: Exactly. We had a paid social post which ran around the same time, so that definitely would have driven some incremental results as well.

DM: So the data for the campaign came from within the app and emails. Looking at the app, do your customers have to create an account and sign in to use it?

MD: That’s right. Once you sign up, youre part of the loyalty programme and then you’re obviously exposed to all of our offers and rewards that you can get.

DM: And in terms of the data, if I sign up for the Burger King app today, what will they ask me for on that first open because I know Braze pretty well and I know theyre very hot on not asking for too much personal data for the first time someone opens the app after downloading it.

MD: Yeah, ours is very, very straightforward for that exact reason. I think, when a customer’s coming into the app for the first time, from a customer perspective, theres nothing worse than being asked a million and one questions, and again, it comes back to that value exchange piece. Its like, okay, why am I giving you all of this data? What is the brand going to be using it for. We want to be very transparent about the way that were using the data and its just to make the experience more personalised. So when youre signing up, its just your email, and you have a couple of optional fields. And then thats really just your first name and second name for validation purposes, and then youre in into the app. And then once youre going through your customer lifecycle as a new user, youre going through the onboarding process, we like to use in-app surveys, delivered through Braze, to start gathering customer preferences. What they like to see, what they dont like to see, what offers they enjoy, what their taste preferences are. And again, its not in a direct way. It appears when theyre in the app, but they have the option to click off it, they dont need to fill it in. But doing that, and a lot of customers do, helps us to understand more about them, it enriches that profiles and it means we can ultimately deliver a more tailored experience.

DM: And is the app a fairly transactional sort of thing? Am I only likely to pick up my phone and fire up the Burger King app when I want to order a burger? Is there any content around food, or other stuff, lifestyle content?

MD: Its a very value driven app, thats its goal. Of course there is content within the app. You can browse the menu. We have nice marketing cards in there, highlighting different offers, but it is extremely value-driven, that’s its main purpose.

DM: So this is one very successful campaign. Is there anything else in the pipeline? Birthdays are one thing, but I guess you could talk about anniversaries and other special days. Do you have any future plans for beyond birthdays now that you’ve seen how well this has worked?

MD: Yes definitely, as you said, I think an anniversary piece would work really well, or maybe we do it as a loyalty anniversary. But I really like what Spotify does with Spotify Wraps, because we have such a rich database now, and it’s definitely something we can leverage using Braze’s dynamic personalization features to deliver something to customers, which is interesting and tailored to them.  So thats definitely one we plan to look into. And I think another really important one for us is tailoring offers. I think its such a polluted environment now, there’s a lot of value messaging out there from brands and from our competitors. And were gathering all this data, the birthday campaign was a great example of that. In-app surveys are another one. And then its how are we going to use that to make the experience for the customer as personal as possible. Maybe Im someone that only redeems a Chicken Royale offer on a Thursday at 5pm, so Im not interested in seeing your Whopper Wednesdays or your Meat-free Mondays. So for us its about really working on our strategy to recognise those individual customer needs and differences and delivering those really hyper-personalised offers and messaging around that.

DM: And just going back to the app, how do people use it? Is it like in a physical restaurant to jump the queue? Or do you have a tie in with JustEat or Deliveroo for home deliveries. When someone places an order in the app, where do they tend to be?

MD: We have many different service options. So we have, obviously, customers that are in restaurant that have the app, and they can use it on our kiosks or they can go to one of the crew members and get their code at the front counter to redeem the offers that they wish to use. We also have click-and-collect, so thats obviously ordering directly through the app and then going into a restaurant to get it, both of which are very, very popular and obviously our customers enjoy that kind of seamless experience. We also do offer white label delivery, so thats our own delivery service provided by Deliveroo. So that means that people can access delivery-only offers from home which arent necessarily available through our aggregators, Deliveroo, JustEat and UberEats. So there are loads of different types of service modes to cater for all different customer needs.

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2023 Effective Digital Marketing Awards winners announced https://mobilemarketingmagazine.com/effective-digital-awards/ Thu, 07 Dec 2023 17:40:36 +0000 https://mobilemarketingmagazine.com/?p=118537 The winners in all 13 categories of the 14th Effective Digital Marketing Awards were revealed at an Online Awards Ceremony this afternoon. Brands and organisations honoured for their work included

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The winners in all 13 categories of the 14th Effective Digital Marketing Awards were revealed at an Online Awards Ceremony this afternoon. Brands and organisations honoured for their work included Unilever, B&Q, Vodafone Turkey, Fitness AI, Spur and PlugSports. Agencies and tech firms collecting awards for their work included Replug, Yodel Mobile, Moloco, Adjust, Zappar and Moburst.

The Grand Prix Award went to Deutsche Telekom and Mindshare, for their #WhatWeValue: Embracing Volunteerism with Gen Z campaign. This campaign also took the individual category award for the Most Effective International Campaign.

Netherland agency Fingerspitz picked up two awards for its work with eCommerce beauty retailer JohnBeerens.com, and another for its work with technical service company, Hoppenbrouwers Techniek. Yodel Mobile also picked up two awards for its work with DIY and household retailer, B&Q, for the Most Effective Mobile Campaign and the Most Innovative Campaign.

The two Digital Expert of the Year Awards went to #paid for North America, and to QueryClick for the UK, EMEA & APAC

Congratulations to all our winners. The full list is below:

Most Effective Content Marketing Campaign
JohnBeerens.com and Fingerspitz – Profitable Price Perception Experiments

Most Effective Digital Advertising Campaign
New South Wales Government and New South Wales Environment Protection Authority – Don’t Be a Tosser!

Most Innovative Campaign
B&Q and Yodel Mobile – B&Q Innovates with Unconventional Strategy to Drive App Revenue Growth

Most Effective Integrated Campaign
NSW Government and M&C Saatchi Australia – NSW Government Cost of Living

Most Effective International Campaign
Deutsche Telekom and Mindshare – #WhatWeValue: Embracing Volunteerism with Gen Z

Most Effective Launch Campaign
Milpark Education incorporating CA Connect and Social Path – Not just another BCom Degree

Most Effective Mobile Campaign
B&Q and Yodel Mobile – Transforming B&Q into a Mobile-first Business, One Mobile Campaign at a Time.

Most Effective Performance Marketing Campaign
JohnBeerens.com and Fingerspitz – Profitable Price Perception Experiments

Most Effective Search Campaign
Avanti Travel Insurance and Climbing Trees – Flying Onto Page 1 Rankings Organically

Most Effective Social Campaign
Hoppenbrouwers Techniek and Fingerspitz – Conquering a Tight Labor Market with Dynamic Feeds and Personalization

Most Effective Tech Platform
Ogury – Ogury, the Future-proof Cookieless Advertising Technology

Digital Expert of the Year – North America

Digital Expert of the Year – UK, EMEA & APAC

Grand Prix
Deutsche Telekom and Mindshare – #WhatWeValue: Embracing Volunteerism with Gen Z

Congratulations to all our winners

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2023 Effective Mobile Marketing Awards winners revealed https://mobilemarketingmagazine.com/effective-mobile-marketing/ Thu, 07 Dec 2023 17:30:25 +0000 https://mobilemarketingmagazine.com/?p=118534 The winners in all 11 categories of the 14th Effective Mobile Marketing Awards were revealed at an Online Awards Ceremony this afternoon. Brands and organisations honoured for their work included

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The winners in all 11 categories of the 14th Effective Mobile Marketing Awards were revealed at an Online Awards Ceremony this afternoon. Brands and organisations honoured for their work included Unilever, B&Q, Vodafone Turkey, Fitness AI, Spur and PlugSports. Agencies and tech firms collecting awards for their work included Replug, Yodel Mobile, Moloco, Adjust, Zappar and Moburst.

The Grand Prix Award went to Fitness AI and Replug for an innovative and all-embracing user acquisition campaign. This campaign also took the individual category award for the Most Effective App Install Campaign.

Yodel Mobile picked up two awards for its work with DIY and household retailer, B&Q, for the Most Effective App Store Optimisation Campaign and the Most Effective Use of Data.

For more on the winning entries, head to the Awards Site. Congratulations to all our winners. The full list is below:

Grand Prix
Fitness AI and Replug – Scaling User Acquisition with a Holistic Approach

Most Effective App Advertising Platform

Moloco – Moloco Cloud DSP

Most Effective App Analytics Platform
Adjust – Adjust Suite

Most Effective App Install Campaign
Fitness AI and Replug – Scaling User Acquisition with a Holistic Approach

Most Effective Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality Campaign
Countdown and Zappar – Countdown Bricks Farm

Most Effective App Store Optimisation Campaign
B&Q and Yodel Mobile – Leveraging Unconventional ASO Techniques to Drive B&Q Business Success

Most Effective Location Campaign
Vodafone Turkey and Carat – Geotargeting Tailored for Sales Channel Convenience

Most Effective Small Budget Campaign
Hailr – Spur Spiderman: Across The Spiderverse Campaign

Most Effective Use of Data
B&Q and Yodel Mobile – A Data-driven Approach to Driving B&Q Incremental Revenue

Most Effective User Acquisition Platform
Redbox Mobile – Astra by Redbox Mobile: A Revolution in Apple Search Ads UA

Most Effective Influencer Marketing Campaign
PlugSports and Moburst – An Influencer Marketing Slam Dunk!

Most Effective Mobile Advertising Campaign
Unilever, InMobi and PhD – Closeup Voice

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Talking Mobile with ConsultMyApp https://mobilemarketingmagazine.com/talking-mobile-with-consultmyapp/ Wed, 06 Dec 2023 13:00:55 +0000 https://mobilemarketingmagazine.com/?p=118545 David Murphy discusses how acquisition and engagement combine to deliver sustainable growth for apps with Mike Rhodes, CEO and Founder of ConsultMyApp.

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David Murphy discusses how acquisition and engagement combine to deliver sustainable growth for apps with Mike Rhodes, CEO and Founder of ConsultMyApp.

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Smirnoff global campaign celebrates social connections https://mobilemarketingmagazine.com/smirnoff-global-campaign-celebrates-social-connections/ Thu, 30 Nov 2023 13:25:26 +0000 https://mobilemarketingmagazine.com/?p=118530 Vodka brand, Smirnoff, has launched a series of activations to champion the power of the collective and reignite social connections around the world in a celebration of the spark that’s

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Vodka brand, Smirnoff, has launched a series of activations to champion the power of the collective and reignite social connections around the world in a celebration of the spark that’s created when different people, flavours and ingredients come together.

With a recent report indicating that 79 per cent of 18-29 year-olds feel their emotional connections are weaker today than they were in the past (source: McCann Worldgroup Truth Central Truth About Youth 2023), the new initiative aims to tackle feelings of disconnection and isolation around the world. Rolling out in more than 20 countries, including the UK, Canada, North America, Mexico, Brazil, Ireland, India and Australia, the initiative will bring local communities together through activities, partnerships and events that lean into local culture and passion points such as music, sport and dance.

The activations will be underpinned by a new global creative, Atomic, which brings this inclusive ethos to life through a playful ‘Life is like a cocktail’ metaphor. Embodying the spirit of togetherness, the spot, initially launching in the UK, shows a diverse group of people spontaneously turning into bubbles, which mix together before turning back into human form and finally connecting with one another.

In the UK, Smirnoff is reigniting social connection with a focus on lowering social barriers through a new long-term partnership with Sinéad Burke’s accessibility and inclusion consultancy, Tilting the Lens, and Stonegate, one of the UK’s largest hospitality groups, to make socialising more accessible.

Spearheaded by an event curated by Sink The Pink, the London launch took place last night, Wednesday 29 November, and was hosted by comedian, Fats Timbo, and actor, Layton Williams. The event saw Drag Syndrome, a collective of Kings and Queens with Down syndrome, take to the stage alongside an array of performers, including former Spice Girl, Mel C.

The venue was transformed to showcase some of the ways in which barriers found in the built environment of our social venues can be addressed. The inclusion of features such as a low-counter bar, accessible viewing platforms, a quiet room, BSL interpreters and visual interpreting tools meant that disabled guests were able to enjoy the night as their full, true, and diverse selves.

The ambition is that the brand’s partnership with Stonegate and Tilting the Lens will drive positive change for the disabled community over the coming months by reviewing the settings in which people drink and engage with Smirnoff products.

Beyond the UK, Smirnoff has used the medium of dance to reignite social connections across Brazil, through its partnership with popstar IZA, to launch a unique track and dance challenge. The initiative has spanned borders with interactive billboards in major global cities encouraging passers-by to get involved.

In the US, Smirnoff has been using the power of sport to reignite social connections, with an NFL partnership that encourages all fans to come together and celebrate their unique traditions and fandom for Game Days. A new national TV campaign launched with custom spots that demonstrate the cultures of each fanbase alongside a coin toss activation that enabled fans to win game-day cocktails.

“Despite there being more ways than ever for us to connect with one another, we know that feelings of loneliness and isolation are rising around the world,” said Smirnoff Global Brand Director, Stephanie Jacoby. “At Smirnoff, we fundamentally believe that we’re better when we’re together, which is why these acts feel so important and relevant for today. By reinforcing social connections and doubling down on our longstanding commitment to diversity and inclusivity, we aim to make it as easy as possible for as many people as possible to come together.”

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Spotify launches 2023 Wrapped with live London show https://mobilemarketingmagazine.com/spotify-launches-2023-wrapped-with-live-london-show/ Wed, 29 Nov 2023 15:53:55 +0000 https://mobilemarketingmagazine.com/?p=118502 Spotify is celebrating the launch of 2023 Wrapped with a live show in London on 30 November. Wrapped Live in London will feature performances of some of the stand out

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Spotify is celebrating the launch of 2023 Wrapped with a live show in London on 30 November. Wrapped Live in London will feature performances of some of the stand out moments of 2023, including Sam Smith, Chase & Status, Charli XCX, Kenya Grace, Strandz, Raye and Libianca, hosted by Harriet Rose, Big Zuu, Max Balegde and shxtngigs. The event will be broadcast live on TikTok from 8.30pm.

In addition to unveiling the top artists, songs, albums, and podcasts that defined how over 574m users listened this year, Spotify has also launched a Wrapped personalised user experience with new interactive features to help fans celebrate their year on Spotify, alongside a creative marketing campaign across OOH, digital social and on-platform across 31 markets.

On the Out of Home front, in celebration of rapper, Lil Yachty’s latest album Let’s Start Here, a tiny billboard on a tiny yacht will set sail on a fountain at Centennial Olympic Park, in downtown Atlanta.

In Indonesia, Spotify is celebrating the song ‘Sial’ (translated as ‘Bad Luck’) by Mahalini with a unique tradition – giving users real haircuts. According to local belief, getting a haircut is believed to ward off bad luck.

Digital billboards around the globe will show the unexpected truths our listening revealed this year – for example, a billboard at Glorieta de Insurgentes in Mexico celebrates the impact of Cartel de Santa’s ‘Shorty Party’, one of the most important Hip Hop launches in Mexico in 2023.

Spotify is also celebrating Taylor Swift’s accomplishment as the most streamed artist globally in a number of ways. In the 48 hours leading up to Wrapped, Spotify began debuting 21 puzzle pieces filled with Taylor Swift easter eggs in OOH billboards from São Paulo to Jakarta via social. The clues culminate in a reveal video that’s filled with nods from the Taylor Swift universe, including everything from koi fish and cats to her infamous red lips.

Additionally, when playing a Taylor Swift song on Spotify, fans will experience the progress bar changing to match the song’s Era colour, and the progress button will turn into a sparkle. Top Taylor Swift listeners on Spotify will also receive a special share card and thank you message from her.

And as part of the continued partnership between Spotify and FC Barcelona, fans can find videos from some of their favourite players, including Robert Lewandowski, Alexia Putella and Pedri, guessing each other’s Wrapped. Additionally, 2023 Wrapped will be featured on the LED screens at upcoming matches for the men’s team , on 3 December, and the women’s team on 10 December.

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Future of Mobile Festival 2024 schedule announced https://mobilemarketingmagazine.com/future-of-mobile-festival-2024-schedule-announced/ Wed, 29 Nov 2023 07:12:30 +0000 https://mobilemarketingmagazine.com/?p=118452 The schedule for Masterclassing’s 2024 Future of Mobile Festival has been announced. It includes nine Mobile & App Masterclasses, starting in Barcelona on 27 Feb, with other events taking place

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The schedule for Masterclassing’s 2024 Future of Mobile Festival has been announced.

It includes nine Mobile & App Masterclasses, starting in Barcelona on 27 Feb, with other events taking place in London, New York, Amsterdam and Berlin. Each event runs for half a day and gives mobile & app marketers the opportunity to discuss the market and their current challenges with their peers and expert agencies and tech companies.

New for 2024 are Mobile & App Leaders’ Dinners, with the first one taking place in London on 30 Jan.

Recent attendees at Future of Mobile Festival events include Asos, Depop, Monzo, Just Eat, Vodafone, Gymshark, Sainsbury’s, Ralph Lauren, Vinted, Zalando, Babbel, Delivery Hero, HSBC, John Lewis, Travelopia, Expedia, Skyscanner, BT Group, Pepsi Co, Microsoft, Uber, American Express and more!

There’s more information here.

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3DLook enters strategic partnership with Bershka https://mobilemarketingmagazine.com/3dlook-enters-strategic-partnership-with-bershka/ Tue, 28 Nov 2023 15:55:32 +0000 https://mobilemarketingmagazine.com/?p=118445 3DLook, which specialises in AI-powered mobile body scanning and virtual try-on solutions, has announced a strategic partnership with Bershka, a leading fashion brand under the Inditex (ITX) umbrella. The collaboration

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3DLook, which specialises in AI-powered mobile body scanning and virtual try-on solutions, has announced a strategic partnership with Bershka, a leading fashion brand under the Inditex (ITX) umbrella. The collaboration aims to reduce return rates for the brand, boost conversions and sales by eliminating the sizing guesswork online shoppers face, and simultaneously provide interactive shopping experiences to young tech-savvy consumers.

During the collaboration, Bershka will leverage 3DLook’s virtual fitting room, YourFit, to provide highly accurate size and fit recommendations, as well as an engaging virtual try-on experience, directly on the Bershka website. Customers can choose an item and click on a “See how it fits me” widget to be voice-guided in real-time through a quick and easy, camera-based flow. Using a front and side photo of the customer, the solution’s precise 3D mapping technology and size recommendation engine then offer instant feedback on what size would fit best and provide a highly accurate and photorealistic virtual try-on experience.

“We want to provide the very best customer journey available, which requires removing the inconvenience of returning goods that don’t fit quite right and providing the interactive experience young shoppers desire today,” a Bershka spokeperson said. “We selected 3DLook due to its track record of delivering results for leading fashion brands, and – given the team’s willingness to go above and beyond to assist us during the setup – we’re confident this partnership will help us to achieve our goals.”

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UK Cyber Weekend online shopping spend up 5 per cent year-on-year – report https://mobilemarketingmagazine.com/uk-cyber-weekend-online-shopping-spend-up-5-per-cent-year-on-year/ Tue, 28 Nov 2023 10:38:05 +0000 https://mobilemarketingmagazine.com/?p=118426 After spending £1.04bn on Black Friday, UK shoppers spent an additional £2.41bn over the weekend (Nov 24-27), up 5.6 per cent year-on-year, according to figures from Adobe. The Adobe Digital

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After spending £1.04bn on Black Friday, UK shoppers spent an additional £2.41bn over the weekend (Nov 24-27), up 5.6 per cent year-on-year, according to figures from Adobe.

The Adobe Digital Insights team used Adobe Analytics to analyse hundreds-of-millions of visits to retail sites from UK consumers over Cyber Weekend, tracking the prices of 100m SKUs across 18 product categories to provide a comprehensive view of the UK digital economy.

Online UK spending data from Adobe Analytics reveals that holiday season spending-to-date (1 November – 27 November) has reached £12bn, up 5.1 per cent on 2022 levels. A total of £3.45bn was spent online in the UK over Cyber Weekend (Nov 24 – 27) – up 5.6 per cent year-on-year.

£1.04bn was spent on Black Friday, up 4.1 per cent year-on-year. £680m was spent on Saturday, up 4.2 per cent. £843m was spent on Sunday, up 6.7 per cent. And £881m was spent on Cyber Monday, up 7.4 per cent. UK shoppers spent £475m through Buy Now Pay Later services over Cyber Weekend, accounting for 13.8 per cent of total online spend and up 15.8 per cent compared with Cyber Weekend 2022.

On average, online prices were discounted 15 per cent over Cyber Weekend when compared with pre-holiday season levels, with the deepest discounts falling on Cyber Monday in TVs (19 per cent cheaper; computers (24 per cent cheaper); apparel (15 per cent cheaper); and toys (16 per cent cheaper).

Click-and-collect was used in 8.4 per cent of orders on Cyber Monday, up slightly from 8 per cent on Black Friday and up from 7.2 per cent on Cyber Monday of last year. Click-and-collect is expected to see its highest utilization around 18 December, at 15 per cent of orders.

“After breaking the record for the biggest single spending day of the year on Black Friday, UK shoppers continued to spend over the remainder of the weekend, convinced by the discounts and value on offer,” said Vivek Pandya, Lead Analyst, Adobe Digital Insights at Adobe. “With prices down on average by 15 per cent compared with the pre-holiday period in categories such as electronics, toys and apparel, it’s no surprise browsers turned to buyers in their droves.”

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